The Value
Contained in IP Data,
Bringing that Value
Out into The World

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Wert Intelligence Service
AI search engine capable of searching a wide range of patent data to find the value of patents,
patent big data-based analysis solutions, fast and accurate patent-specialized AI translation, and patent training for everyone.
patent big data-based analysis solutions, fast and accurate patent-specialized AI translation, and patent training for everyone.
Wert AI Technology
Wert Intelligence's AI Technology
World's first patented AI language model,
PAT-BERT developed in-house
Streamline all patent-related tasks with
our AI patent classification, search, and
translation functions.
Figure out competitor’s technology trends
Compare and analyze the business direction of competitors to establish response strategies
Identify market industry activity trends
Identity position within the industry by comparing and analyzing IP competitiveness between companies using patent parameters
Check your company’s technology competitiveness
Discover patents with high technological value and analyze their commercialization potential
Gain a competitive edge in business
Analyze the possibility of entering new industries and reflect the result in business diversification strategy
Value of Wert
We are looking for a key to look
into the world with a patent.
The key is in the value of the patent.
We are together with 3,000+ partners on the Odyssey for the future with patent data.

Learn how to transform the future with patent data, and start with experts today.